Real Musicians Don't Starve!

Jul 01, 2020

Welcome to the first episode of Real Musicians Don't Starve!

The goal of this podcast is to talk with other successful musicians, and discover how they've implement The 3 Keys to Success:

  1. Skillset
  2. Mindset
  3. Actions

We want to dissect the processes that they've used throughout their career, to achieve the level of success they've attained.

Here's a sneak peek inside this episode:

  • [1:00]  There's a big distinction between the mindsets of starving musicians, and successful musicians.  
  • [2:25]  Successful musicians are the ones who are fully committed and invested in their careers, while starving musicians are 'all-in' on their career as long as it's Free, Easy, and Convenient.
  • [4:40]  A big mistake musicians make is overthinking and being perfectionistic, that nothing ultimately gets accomplished.  Perfectionism is Procrastination masked in Productivity.
  • [5:25]  The words we speak to ourselves have incredible power.  They can empower us to succeed, or they can set us up for failure.
  • [6:20]  Real musicians don't starve, they take their music seriously, approach their career like a business, and value what they do.

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