Navigating the Road to Success

May 10, 2022

Brian Carico has been a fixture in the music industry for over two decades.  He's worked with artists including Blake Shelton, Sir Paul McCarney, Aerosmith, Brad Paisley, and many more...

He's also an inductee into the Full Sail Hall of Fame!  The wealth of insight and career advice he brings to this interview is second to none.

  • [14:34]  You have to be flexible in your career, especially when you're starting out.
  • [16:03]  It's so much easier to network in the live industry when you're inside the arena, than when you're outside of the arena.
  • [24:47]  When the 1st Apollo Mission was going to the moon, they were exactly on course 2% of the time.  They had to making adjustments 98% of the time... The same is true for you if you want to succeed in the music industry.
  • [26:22]  You must be present to win... you just have to show up daily!
  • [28:07]  If you want to stay in the game you have to constantly be learning.  Becoming better learners helps us become more successful.
  • [32:43]  We create our own moments.  We have to create our own atmosphere, and take advantage of what's around us.
  • [38:45]  You have to put yourself in the right environment for you to achieve your goals.
  • [45:50]  It's going to be extremely hard and difficult if you think you can navigate this industry, and be successful on your own.
  • [47:34]  One essential aspect to success is finding a group of people that make you want to be stronger, and challenge you.


To learn more about Brian's career, click HERE.


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