Build Your Crowd of Raving Fans

Jul 22, 2020

Producer/ Songwriter David Browning has been an active force in the professional music scene for more than two decades.  He has worked with talented greats such as Katy Perry, Neal Schon (Journey), Mickey Thomas (Starship), as well as side-by-side with songwriting and production moguls Diane Warren, Keith Thomas, and James Slater.

Currently David is the COO & Head of A&R at Crowd Music, a community where fans can support artists and share in the revenue.

Here's a sneak peek inside this episode:

  • [7:43] You don't have to become the best, but you have to treat music like a business. When you treat it like a business, it will pay you like one.
  • [9:03] Don't call yourself a 'professional' if you're not going to value yourself like one, especially in the process of making music.
  • [12:26] Why you should always better yourself in order to provide value.
  • [13:10] Why you should never rest on your past successes.
  • [16:56] Ignore the naysayers and never let them dictate your direction or your drive. 
  • [18:39] It's essential to find others who are in a similar position as you, so you all can be cheerleaders for one another.
  • [26:25] To succeed in the music industry, you can't be afraid to reach out and connect with others.

You can learn more about how you can become a part of Crowd Music by CLICKING HERE

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